Journal article
Operationalising effective coverage measurementEstimating effective coverage of childbirth care requires linking population based data sources to health facility data. For effective coverage to...
Past event
IDEAS webinar series: Part 4 Operationalising effective coverage of childbirth care in Gombe State, Northeast NigeriaTo ensure greater accountability for high quality care, effective coverage measures are now recommended so that measures of access to care are...
Journal article
Inequalities in effective coverage measures: are we asking too much of the data?This commentary by Josephine Exley and Tanya Marchant, published in BMJ Global Health reviews methodological constraints that limit measuring...
Journal article
To call or not to call: comparing results from face-to-face surveys and mobile phone interviewsThis IDEAS-led study, published in BMJ Global Health, analysed the validity of data generated through telephone interviews, when compared to data...
Journal article
To use effective coverage measures in practice we need greater harmonisation and transparencyA systematic review, published in the Journal of Global Health, aimed to examine how effective coverage measures of life-saving interventions from...
Journal article
Improved antenatal care but postnatal care remains alarmingly lowThe Community Based Newborn Care (CBNC) programme encompassed nine components aiming to provide life-saving services to mothers and newborns....
Critically examining quality-adjusted coverage measuresImproving coverage measurement continues to be a key area of ongoing research with the IDEAS team. Currently the team is working in collaboration...
Journal article
Using social media to improve routine data quality metricsHow is this all linked to social media? The study, published in BMJ Open, measured changes in data quality metrics before and after the...
Past event
Geneva Health ForumIn order to adapt to the constraints imposed by the current global health crisis and to guarantee the safety of all the participants, the Steering...
Journal article
Half-way there: positive steps in maternal and newborn care in Northeast NigeriaThis IDEAS-led study, authored by Josephine Exley et al and published in BMJ Open, offers unique insights into the quality of care provided to...